Nest Feathers and Twine - Formally Artist's Block Studio

The things that make a house a home and the stuff that holds is all together.

Years ago I started this blog with a mindset and goals that I have found have changed direction over time. I am excited to say that this blog has a new name.....Nest Feathers and Twine. I hope you come by and visit often. Feel free to get comfortable and kick off your shoes and join me on this journey of metamorphosis.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

our new old kitchen table

about 4 years ago we found this very old farmhouse kitchen table. it had been stripped and was dried out blech old wood, but it had charm. we originally planned to do our kitchen in black and white, then yellow and green, it is a long story. i ended up painting this table white and stenciling a black checker board on it. i never clear coated it, i decided to let it age with use and when it had achieved the oh-so-right amount of aging i would clear coat it.
well, it went from not aged enough to aged too much overnight.
a couple of weeks ago i found my stash of stripper and found that farmhouse charm that i originally fell in love with and decided to paint flowers on the table. i looked over my pieces of vintage china and decided from the pieces that had an abundance of roses in it that i would have to paint roses, and i also noticed i loved the pieces with a touch of blue in them, even though i think blue is one of my least favorite colors. i went down to my studio and found the majority of my paint were dried up.
when my hubby called me from work i told him i was going to forget painting the table since my paints were little bottles of colored concrete. he told me to be ready when he got home, and as tired as he was we headed to the local artsy-craftsy store and found most of the colors i needed.
i started by getting my mojo back painting on a few paper plates and then moved to 2 of the chairs (pictured below). after i painted the chairs it was 2 am, not feeling good from what the anti-biotics were doing to my stomach and i was so tired, and feeling a little sad that i could not find my painting mojo i headed off to bed.
as soon as i walked into our bedroom and saw my dear hubby sleeping i headed back to the kitchen and started painting. if this man had enough faith in me to drive me while he was butt-tired to the artsy-craftsy store to by new paints then by gosh i was going to paint him the most beautiful flowers i could. by 4:30 i had about 3/4 done and i was feeling my mojo was not totally back, and i was having to think about my strokes, they were just not flowing out of me but it was coming back to me. i have to say i am pretty happy about the end result. and thankful to my hubby. 

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Quote for the moment

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."

Harriet Beecher Stowe

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