Sunday, June 12th I made a Reliquary Pendant at the Art Works weekend at Redlead. The night before I was trying to think of what 'stuff' I wanted to put in my pendant. I was getting ready to look through the hundreds of vintage photos in my studio and figure out a theme when I thought how neat it would be to instead do something as a tribute to my dad. My dad passed away 7 months ago on the 13th. I miss my dad more than words could ever describe, and I hoped this would help me reconnect with him. So, now that I had decided to make this a tribute to my dad I picked out photos. The photo on the front is one he and I had just talked about less than a month before he died. He was in his mom and dads resturant/bar and Elvis was a big thing then and he thought maybe that is who he was trying to be like. Next I tried to figure out what object(s) I would like to include and I just could not think of a thing and was starting to feel discouraged. Next thing I knew my muse was gently singing the lyrics of
...IF I COULD SAVE TIME IN A BOTTLE... My vision became blurry, and at first I did not know why and then realized it was because my eyes were filling with tears and I felt the hair on my body stand on end. Within a matter of minutes I knew just what supplies I would need for the next day. I picked out a bottle ( the one hanging from the bottom of the pendant) and measured it and it was just a tad bit too thick for the pendant, but I packed it up just in case I could make it fit. I also picked out 2 more smaller bottles. I found my container that had
WATCH parts in it and a few other supplies and headed off to bed hardly able to sleep because I could not wait to get to the workshop the next day. Sunday morning I woke up with one of my really bad headaches, something I inherited from my dad! I got ready and we headed off for Redlead. By the time we got their my head was not pounding as bad and we started working on our pendants. I ended up having to use one of the smaller bottles, and then found the opening of this bottle was quite a bit smaller, and I could only fit 3 or 4
WATCH pieces in it. It made me a little frustrated and upset which made my head start to pound again. Later after I had my pendant all put together I thought to my self how I could not believe how upset I had become that I could not get more
WATCH pieces to fit in the bottle inside the pendant. With the workshop over my hubby and our oldest son came to pick me up. My hubby decided to take a way out of the way route home and we wandered through neighborhoods I had never seen before. Next thing we knew we saw a sign for an ESTATE SALE!!! My hubby whipped our truck around and we found the sale had ended 7 minutes earlier, but that did not stop him, he walked in and started looking around. Our son and I followed, I was worried we would be shooed away, but we weren't. As I began to look around the basement I found I was surrounded by hundreds and thousands of
WATCH pieces!!!!!! I have always believed the soul lives on and that our loved ones are never really that far from us, and this just was one more experience I can add to my list of things that confirm that belief for me.